The Impact of CRM Visibility on Employee Performance and Motivation

CRM visibility features in GrandCentral tracking employee performance and project progress in real-time

Studio98 acknowledges that well-motivated employees are what drive the company. These are the individuals who, when they feel acknowledged and appreciated for what they do, become more productive. Consequently, we designed GrandCentral, our CRM system in a manner that reflects this transparency and openness in everything we do such as project management time tracking to invoicing. This way it makes it possible for us to streamline our activities; hence making every person responsible for what they can do best at work thereby enabling them to be self-motivated and contribute towards common goals.

Clear Accountability Drives Motivation

One of the most profound impacts brought about by GrandCentral’s visibility has been accountability within its users. The sense of ownership is created by all parties knowing exactly what they need to achieve, with specific dates and duties assigned. Our team members are not just executing tasks, but rather act as drivers of projects because they understand how important their inputs are to the success of any given assignment. With this kind of clarity, these individuals remain focused and motivated as they can easily link their achievements directly with their assignments.

Continuous Improvement Fueled by Real-Time Feedback

In GrandCentral, feedback is not just a post-project event. Our system allows for real-time feedback from managers on tasks to ensure that everybody is on the same page and employees can learn as they go. The knowledge that their progress is being tracked in real-time spurs our team members to do more, knowing that they are developing and becoming better with each new project.

Recognition of Effort Through Celebrating Success

Studio98 believes in the power of celebration. It is easy for us to find and celebrate the hard work of our team members through GrandCentral’s transparency. We make certain that our staff know how much we appreciate them whether it be meeting an arduous deadline or going beyond what their job calls for. This appreciation not only boosts morale but also drives our team towards perfection at all times

Closing Remarks

GrandCentral is not only a tool we employ; it is also an element of our teamwork. It makes our employees stay motivated, appreciated and work in the best way possible by making all aspects of our projects visible. We are devoted to creating a leading environment in which our team can prosper and for this reason, GrandCentral plays a significant role.

If you have any questions, or like to know more, click here to schedule a call with Kaeio